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Westcoast swing
West Coast Swing Music
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Note that the follower's step is different from the leader's; partners do not mirror each other. Rather than the walk, walk of West Coast Swing, however, two sets of triple steps were used when the woman moved down the slot, followed by a rock step rather than the current triple and anchor step.
If you would like to use any of this content you must have expressed, written permission. It is characterized by a distinctive elastic look that results from its basic extension-compression technique of partner connection, and is danced primarily in a slotted area on the dance floor. Each section of the country seems to have a variation of its own.
Radio West Coast Swing, The West Coast Swing radio - My music is available at RouteNote Direct; RouteNote published my music to other sites.
Shawn Trautman is a proven instructor with students around the world singing westcoast swing praises of the Trautman Training Method. Shawn has a well-known knack for making the complexities of West Coast Swing and yes, they are very real — West Coast Swing is by far the most complex of the social dances simple enough that all of us can grasp them. Are some of your friends pressing earnest and enthusiastic invitations to go with them. Chances are, most of the dancers attending the class are not beginner. They are people who have been dancing for at least a month or two and attend the beginner class because it fits with their schedule, and it has become a part of their routine. Also, people attending group classes are human. Most likely, you will leave the class feeling completely inept, uncoordinated, and incapable of following a beat. With your first lesson Shawn will have you dancing West Coast Swing in just minutes. Easy to follow west coast swing instruction starting with entry level intermediate west coast swing dance lessons through exhilarating advanced-intermediate lessons. Takes your West Coast Swing dance lessons to the next level with real-life West Coast Swing dancing that works in all situations. Learn About West Coast Swing The West coast swing is a challenging dance that has evolved from spin-off status into a separate dance with a fervent following and a thriving competition circuit. It is the most intricate of the partner taught in this text. The basic is a six westcoast swing basic, but moves from elementary through a highly advanced range, from six to twelve or more counts per move. This is very unique to West Coast Swing, differentiating it even from the other swing dances. Another key attribute that differentiates West Coast Swing from Lindy and other versions of swing as well as most non-swing dances is the slot. A slotted dance describes a dance that is danced along a line, often described as railroad tracks. The follower generally moves forward and back along the track with the leader stepping on and off the track as he changes her momentum and direction. There are a few stories circulating regarding the reason for the slot. The first attributes the slot to Hollywood. Because the wide-angle camera lens had not been invented yet in the 1930s and 1940s, producers had the dancers line up in straight line to create the camera shots. The dancers began dancing in slots so the camera saw their profiles for the entire dance, rather than their backs as they rotated, allowing the audience to see a lot more dancing. This became such a common practice that the slots stuck. The second story attributes the slot to the crowded dance floors of Los Angeles, which forced the dancers into slotted-type movement to avoid hitting each other. The third story attributes the slotted style of West coast swing to the practice of dancing in the aisles at big-band music concerts in the concert halls of Los Angeles. Most westcoast swing the slots evolved through the influence of all three historical factors as West coast swing developed. Though it is filled with challenging concepts, West Coast Swing is one of the most rewarding dance you will ever attempt. Let Shawn Trautman and the make this gem of a partner dance simple, fun, and easy for you. All Copyright belongs to Shawn Trautman and Dance Videos Direct. If you would like to use any of this content you must have expressed, written permission. Duplicating, copying or using any of the written or digital content on westcoast swing website without written consent from the copyright holder will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. All Copyright belongs to Shawn Trautman and Dance Videos Direct. If you would westcoast swing to use any of this content you must have expressed, written permission.
West Coast Swing - Beginning Level (FULL VIDEO)
Because we frequently misattribute self-esteem, the factor is. It is characterized by a distinctive elastic look that results from its basic extension-compression technique of partner connection, and is danced primarily in a slotted area on the dance floor. Both closed and open positions are acceptable. The board has reached a decision to discontinue our weekly dance effective after Dec. The dance allows for both partners to improvise steps while dancing together, putting West Coast Swing in a short list of dances that put a premium on improvisation. The Sugar Push has been around since 1952. Philosophically, Modern West Coast Swing is in large part defined by an emphasis on Musicality and Connection.